Ex Vivo Langendorff Perfusion
Langendorff perfusion is an ex-vivo model of testing therapeutics. Animal hearts are isolated and mounted onto the Langendorff perfusion system. Test articles will be added into the perfusion line or buffer to act on the heart. Drug hemodynamic effects will be recorded in LabChart. After ischemia-reperfusion, myocardial infarct size will be measured by TTC staining.
Experimental Protocol


Figure 1. The top image is representative of the control (CON) mouse and the bottom image is representative of the test article (TA) mouse.

Figure 2. TA Increased coronary flow, preserved cardiac functional recovery, and decreased infarct size after IR. (A) Coronary flow (CF) before ischemia. (B) CF after 2-hr reperfusion. *: p=0.067, TA vs. CON. (C) Left ventricular developed pressure (LVPD) in the CON and TA mice before ischemia and 2 hours after reperfusion. #: p<0.05, CON/R2h vs. CON/PRE; *: p>0.05, TA/R2h vs. TA/PRE. (D) Infarct size after ischemia-reperfusion in the CON and TA mice. *: p<0.01, TA vs. CON.